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Omnigres Developer Experience¶

Software developer's job is not an easy one; anything that makes it less frustrating and makes developers more productive is highly sought for. This is why the most successful developer tools are usually the ones that have an amazing developer experience.

Omnigres turns Postgres into a complete Application Platform, and by doing that, we must focus on Development, Debugging and Deployment Experience (D3X) as the #1 priority.

Mature databases, such as Postgres, come with a very specific, database-centric experience. It can be attributed to the fact that we are all used to having database workflows distinct from our development activities (because they are considered to be separate things), inertia and tradition.

One of the core idea in Omnigres is that your database can run your application, too. There are many reasons for that (performance, simpler and cheaper deployment, atomic migrations, etc.). What's important is that this means we have to make the development experience of this approach familiar, smooth and, dare I say, a bit magical.

Omnigres is still a young project. It has already contributed to an improved experience, but let's peak into the future and see a more complete picture of where it's going.

Where do we start?¶

Every project has to begin somewhere. We're taking cues from most popular tools. It should be possible to create and run projects as simply as running the following commands:

$ omnigres init
$ omnigres run

That's it, at this point you have an application that you can access over HTTP. Omnigres has its own HTTP server built in with WebSocket support.

This tool will also handle provisioning and running Postgres installations under the hood. Simply change the desired version in the generated config file, and you're running a version you need.

Managing schema migrations¶

You don't really need an external tool to run incremental migrations, your database is perfectly capable of doing that. omni_schema loads all your migration files in the correct order. Similar to many projects, simply put an order-prefixed (1_create_users.sql, 2_add_deleted_at_to_users.sql or a timestamp if you prefer) SQL files into a migrations directory and the tooling will pick those up to run the migrations.

And for cases where incremental migrations can be unambiguously deduced from a DDL (with hints or without), it can make your life even easier: simply edit your create table statement in place.

Putting functionality into Postgres¶

One of the reasons people avoid putting functions inside of Postgres is that the very experience of doing so can be frustrating. Should they be part of incremental migrations to ensure they are used with the correct data model? Should they be deployed separately?

Since we don't really need to change functions incrementally, functions can be simply reloaded from a single source of truth. That's what omni_schema already does, and not just for functions. It simply gets the new definitions override the old ones as part of the routine migration process.

Bring Your Own Language¶

Postgres already supports a few languages one can write functions in (PL/pgSQL, Python, Perl, Rust, JavaScript, Java, Tcl) and more are coming 1.

But you know what sucks the most today when you have to write a function in one of those languages? You have to stick it inside of SQL and your editors are mostly not very helpful after that, as this is no longer a [Python | JavaScript | Rust] file.

create function pymax(a integer, b integer)
  returns integer
as $$
  if (a is None) or (b is None):
    return None
  if a > b:
    return a
  return b
$$ language plpython3;

However, the tooling can simply find your .py, .js (or other language) files and create SQL functions out of them.

How do I develop my web applications end-to-end?¶

Without prescribing a single best approach (there probably isn't!), Omnigres offers a few components and approaches:

  • HTML templates
  • REST/GraphQL integration
  • Over-the-wire components (similar to Phoenix LiveVew)
  • Integrated UI framework (SQLPage is a source of inspiration)

As with functions, all of these are developed in regular files so that the experience is familiar and convenient.

How do my files get to deployment?¶

Aha, that's a great question!

We use a virtual file system extension, omni_vfs and omni_git to take your files with you. Once you are ready to deploy you make your database do a Git pull (select omni_git.pull(...)) and the files are getting accessed using a Git VFS in production as opposed to local VFS when you are developing.

And this doesn't only apply to migration-related files. Your templates, static assets, all of that can be retrieved this way.

Augmenting Postgres¶

Arguably, one of the most exciting things about Postgres is its ecosystem of extensions that keeps growing. From geo-informational systems and time series to machine learning!

However, installing extensions easily and reliably across platforms is something that stops a lot of people as extensions maybe non-trivial to build (they have external requirements) and managing that both for development (everybody's machine and environment is subtly different) and production can be frustrating.

It really should be as simple as doing something like this:

$ pgpm add vector

and having it stored in your config, downloaded/built for your local development experience and automatically rolled out when deployed. We're taking a lot of cues from Rust's cargo here.

As opposed to some other approaches, pgpm2 is focused on configuring, building and packaging natively, without relying on isolated environments (such as Docker) so that you can run the extensions without having Postgres contained. It's an expert configuration system, if you will.

Reactive Queries¶

Data is often treated as inert matter. We write it down and until we query against it, it just sits there.

But the reality we're building applications for is complicated. We want data to have effects outside of a single transaction's scope. For example, what if we wanted to notify inactive users or run an onboarding campaign that is tailored to what the user is doing and their patterns?

The idea behind reactive queries is that you can define what must happen should certain condition occur at some point. It's kind of like triggers but for sets of conditions as opposed to being bound to a particular entity.

Job queueing¶

There are things we shouldn't do while handling a request, especially when they take time and we don't need an immediate output. So, instead of having to manage an external job server (and maybe even Redis for it?) Omnigres has an embedded job server that uses local and remote workers to complete these. Jobs benefit from being close to data and can be trigerred by reactive queries, too.


Even though your need in extra computing goes down when performance is higher, you will need to scale at some point. Building on and augmenting Postgres' own replication facilities, Omnigres can grow your deployment smoothly. Having control over migrations workflow gives us better control over scaling roll out and schema synchronization.

Beyond physical and logical replication, novel approaches like Neon DB can also facilitate beter scaling and elastic resource use.

Think about it this way: Omnigres is ultimately an application server with a database inside. That database's replication, foreign data wrappers and elastic provisioning allows the application server to scale horizontally.

What do I do with legacy pieces?¶

Don't throw them out! Also, you don't have to rewrite them right away, either. Omnigres platform can also be used as a manager/orchestrator for external components (like containers3) so that you maintain the source of truth in a single place and can query against or sent traffic to these components based on the data you have.

Where are we at?¶

Some of the described functionality is already there, some is the works, some are being researched and others are just a vision at the moment. You can find a bit more progress clarity on this roadmap.

  1. I've recently started work on omni_prolog. How about some expert systems inside Postgres? ↩

  2. Postgres Package Manager, currently a work-in-progress ↩

  3. There's omni_containers extension already, but it's not quite documented yet. ↩
