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Make Postgres an Application Server, Gamified¶

Have you ever wondered if Postgres can be a fully self-sufficient platform for your application? Learn how to make it become an application server and win some prizes, too!


Omnigres is a project with the goal of making Postgres a complete platform for developing and deploying applications. It enables colocating your business logic with the data and exploit the benefits of such an approach. It's very early but it is already showing promise and is ready for some early adopters!

The focus of this first, informal contest is to explore its HTTP server capabilities. With omni_httpd one can serve HTTP requests using SQL queries.

What's the deadline?

It will end May 1, 2023 unless extended further.


In its documentation there is an example MOTD service that is barely scratching the surface of what's possible. This is where we start. You can find the copy of the code below, too.

MOTD service code
-- MOTDs stored here
create table if not exists motd
    id        int primary key generated always as identity,
    content   text,
    posted_at timestamp default now()

-- Shows last MOTD
create or replace function show_motd() returns setof omni_httpd.http_response as
    omni_httpd.http_response('Posted at ' || posted_at || E'\n' || content)
order by
    posted_at desc
limit 1;
$$ language sql;

-- Shows when there are no MOTDs
create or replace function no_motd() returns setof omni_httpd.http_response as
select omni_httpd.http_response('No MOTD');
    language sql;

-- Creates a new MOTD 
create or replace function update_motd(request omni_httpd.http_request) returns omni_httpd.http_response as
    motd (content)
    (convert_from(request.body, 'UTF8'))
returning omni_httpd.http_response(status => 201);
    language sql;

-- Handlers
update omni_httpd.handlers
    query = (select
                 omni_httpd.cascading_query(name, query order by priority desc nulls last)
                      -- GET
                      ('show', $$select show_motd() from request where request.method = 'GET'$$, 1),
                      -- POST
                      ('update', $$select update_motd(request.*) from request where request.method = 'POST'$$, 1),
                      -- No MOTDs
                      ('fallback', $$select no_motd() from request where request.method = 'GET'$$,
                       0)) handlers(name, query, priority));

Your objective is to solve one or more of the following challenges:



Be the first one to solve either challenge to win a prize.

#1: Make it Serve HTML and JSON¶

Depending on the Accept header (and/or query path/string), make the service render HTML or JSON for a MOTD.

For example:

$ curl --header "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080
{"content": "...", "posted_at": "..."}
First prize claimed

@ggaughan solved it first. You can still get the Finisher's prize.

#2: Authorized User Updates¶

Make it possible to update MOTD only by authorized users. It's up to you how you define "authorized" but be reasonable!

First prize claimed

@kartikynwa solved it first. You can still get the Finisher's prize.

#3: Separate Rooms¶

Instead of having one global MOTD, allow updating MOTD by "rooms" (room name can be derived from the path or the query string).

For example:

POST /omnigres "Check out Omnigres" # => HTTP/1.1 201 OK
POST /postgres "We're all waiting for Postgres 16" # => HTTP/1.1 201 OK

GET /postgres # => HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Posted at 2023-04-04 08:01:23:13.617115
We're all waiting for Postgres 16

GET /postgres # => HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Posted at 2023-04-04 08:01:23:13.317115
Check out Omnigres
First prize claimed

@ggaughan solved it first. You can still get the Finisher's prize.

Surprise Challenge¶

Build something not listed in the above challenges and make it awesome. First three entries win!

Where to Learn?¶

The easiest way to start Omnigres is to use a container image:

âš  The image below is rather large (over 8Gb). If you prefer a smaller one, select the next tab.

docker volume create omnigres
docker run --name omnigres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=omnigres -e POSTGRES_USER=omnigres \
                            -e POSTGRES_DB=omnigres --mount source=omnigres,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data \
            -p 5432:5432 -p 8080:8080 --rm
# Now you can connect to it:
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U omnigres omnigres # password is `omnigres`
docker volume create omnigres
docker run --name omnigres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=omnigres -e POSTGRES_USER=omnigres \
                           -e POSTGRES_DB=omnigres --mount source=omnigres,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data \
           -p 5432:5432 -p 8080:8080 --rm
# Now you can connect to it:
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U omnigres omnigres # password is `omnigres`

Please refer to Omnigres documentation or drop by our Discord server to ask questions.



Solving any challenge first gives you a prize of $30 USD or a comparable equivalent. It also includes the Finisher's prize.


Solving any challenge gives you a shout out in the post, Twitter and other media. Your name will be documented in Omnigres documentation where we'll record this contest for posterity.


You built something not listed in the above challenges and it is awesome? There are three $50 prizes for this, one for each entry! Includes the Finisher's prize.

Solution Submissions¶

Please post your solution somewhere like Github Gist and post in a comment below this post.
